Driver Safety & Training

Training plans

Petit Forestier’s commitment to safety

Want to train your drivers? Depending on your needs and priorities and in order to focus on the most suitable courses, Petit Forestier can guide you and create a customised training plan.

Are you looking for a tailor-made course?


Since safety is also achieved through prevention and the proper use of the refrigerated vehicle and its equipment, our training courses include sessions on safe and responsible driving, as well as tips on greener driving. Petit Forestier can help you get the job done efficiently whilst avoiding any accidents.


The courses delivered by Petit Forestier differ from the ones usually offered by training organisations. Unlike general courses, Petit Forestier offers targeted training courses which have been devised thanks to our experience in the field. This training can be customised on a case-by-case basis, leading to a course that is built around the requirements and restrictions of your trade.

Petit Forestier courses enjoy satisfaction ratings of over 98%.