Focus on your business and get rid of the purchasing constraints!
When you hire from Petit Forestier, you can be confident of a budget that is agreed upfront and kept under control. You hold onto your investment capacity.
When you rent from Petit Forestier, we take care of all maintenance operations. Letting you to focus on what matters most: your business!
When you rent from Petit Forestier, we take care of all administrative procedures (insurance, certification, administrative tasks, claims handling, etc.).
You can rent with peace of mind!
When you rent from Petit Forestier, should an accident, loss or theft occur, we will replace any equipment on hire from us so that you can keep your business going!
Enjoy a complete service solution that covers all safety, maintenance and repair work. And with the widest range on the market, you can hire the refrigerated vehicle, display fridge or cold store that you need.
Do you need to hire only once in a while? Are you experiencing a pick in business activity? Are you at the start of a new season? With short and medium-term rental from Petit Forestier, you have found the solution! From one day to 12 months, hire a refrigerated vehicle, display fridge or cold store and enjoy all the benefits of Full Service by Petit Forestier.
Are you looking to keep your costs under control, free yourself from administrative and operational burdens whilst being able to keep your business going under any circumstances? For periods of one year and longer, long-term rental is the right option for you! Petit Forestier is a leader in refrigerated asset hire and provides you with all the expertise and know-how needed to ensure that cold chain management process is compliant. Petit Forestier is by your side every day.